Monday, June 14, 2010

Thank you | Manning Cartell

thank you to the 'queens birthday' public holiday. the perfect day that all five of my lovely bridesmaids and i had the day off to travel into paddington to (hopefully) find the perfect dress... X5!

first stop, 'soy latte please' and then we were off to zimmermann.

the dress that the girls tried was beautiful and would give an overall look of beauty and elegance to the day.
each of the girls liked the dress, but then it was time to head off to investigate choice #2...

a short walk [three stores down] and manning cartell was ready for some serious competition... once the girls saw the dresses, they fell in love with the colour and gorgeous fabric. they each got a different style to try & as soon as they emerged from the dressing rooms, there was definitely LOVvvE!
each of them was simply dazzling in their dress and they looked like models lined up next to one another.
there was a defined buzz in the store & the decision was DONE!

ahhhh, perfect perfect perfect. i was thrilled with the dresses and each of the girls loved them... thank God we found them just in the nick of time! [8 sleeps until B is off to mexico] don't you just loveee when things just fall into place?

now... to start on the boys!


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